Christof Industries, Graz, 19th of October 2020: "We are proud to congratulate the Christof-RaceBioConcept Team for their great accomplishment at the first and second joint dates of the Italian Green Endurance Championship 2020 at the Merate Green Prix 2020. As absolute international pioneers in green racing, the Team – with its Top Driver already charged as the winner of ACI-Sport Green Endurance, Electric Car Category 2019 – drove the splendid new Volkswagen ID3 straight onto the “Scuderie” Podium, despite some technical problems with the on-board timing systems.
Since the beginnings of EcoRallies, Christof Industries has supported the Italian Team in their important mission of driving the reinvention of motorsports. By demonstrating the power of electric, plug-in hybrid, bioethanol, biodiesel and biomethane-fueled vehicles, they are able to inspire generations to adopt sustainable mobility.
Experts project that the switch to ecotechnologies is absolutely crucial within the upcoming years, if motorsports are to continue, as the petrol-guzzling vehicles of conventional motorsports have no place in a sustainable society. We wholeheartedly agree and are proud to be at the forefront of a new and sustainable class of racing." (Source: https://l.workplace.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.christof.com%2Fen%2Fchristof-industries-at-the-forefront-of-green-racing%2F&h=AT2Ikun5HqJ2D-5lZmEl2nIG6gc_wsWykHWV2eaFEH1JK1_Aakebf7Lkbr4bCYb9mvM-50NIEWPr23ptKeX-J8aDrhSXxO8diOHeqRCiEOmt4BDemTFzJZ6OdvJuCtyJkVSD4z4gCLe7D35HmxCswQ&__tn__=%2CmH-R&c[0]=AT1gbnq1lmFqYYm7V70ouuQvlyboQp-Xvo8IC3PgPpoPn-ZxnJwHQX_g5jzrgzZ05zaF2JA4xZn0nOwEi8wxr2KbiZJbDqN7HnemDwhRgB48t895GZng2Rlws34i79NRBIbCLDb5KqCabRjE-TtQia0D2yW2UOt1mICkW5tNfLJxFDU0eUW9nG3P4AB34qfEE29nBLQzhhJZWhVPe8PS-g9Gde3k-wX4Qe-PnBzh)